Xendow - Overcoming Cloud Storage Security Concerns?

Xendow - Overcoming Cloud Storage Security Concerns?

I’ve been a long time user of Dropbox…I love that service.

That said, I don’t put anything in my Dropbox folder that I wouldn’t mind other people seeing…because I really don’t know who is on the other end of Dropbox and what they may do with my data. Mind you…I don’t think Dropbox or their employees would actually do anything without reason…but the ability to do ‘something’ bothers me a bit.

With that in mind, it did bother me to see reports about stalkers, and subpoenas but again…I’m not too worried about that, but everyone should know that these issues exist. For more on these issues…take a look at this post: 7 Scary Things About Dropbox, Google Docs and the Cloud at Large….some good points there.

With these issues in mind, I was happy to see a new project named Xendow.   Normally, I’d overlook things like this until I could find more details, but in this particular instance I’m friends with Magnus – one of the gurus driving this project – and I’m excited to see what this turns into.

A description of the new service is:

Xendow will let you simply and easily use cloud services like Dropbox to store, sync and share your data but you will stay in control of who can read your data. Xendow will safely encrypt your data in the cloud but keep the encryption key in your control. With Xendow, none of the employees of Dropbox or their partners or even Xendow will be able to view your data. With Xendow, you’ll be able to share data with confidence knowing that at any time you can remove access to read the data.

If they can deliver on this and deliver it really well, this will be an awesome service.  In addition to Magnus‘ driving this, its also backed by Credant…a big name in the Data Protection space.

Things are looking interesting. Now…if I can just get an invite…