Links for September 11, 2011

Links for September 11, 2011
  • Your attention please by Jason F on 37signals

    Quote: The greatest things you make and do are the ones that get your full attention. It’s helpful to take an inventory of what you’re doing and then ask yourself where you’re spending your best attention. You can fill your time, but you have to spend your attention. How you spend it is probably a better measure of priority than anything else.

  • Can Data Alone Lead to the Wrong Decisions? by Timo Elliott on Business Analytics

    Quote: “what you do with [data]is a people-based activity, a skill base you have to mature. And it doesn’t come quickly.”

  • The Case for Starting a Design Revolution by Michael Schrage on Harvard Business Review

    Quote: If you really want to foment a design revolution in your organization, have the wit and courage to ban requirements from every systems, process and innovation proposal made to top management. Put use cases front and center in your value creation efforts. Insist your partners and suppliers do so, as well. To truly transform your innovation culture and process, make use cases your single most important requiremen

  • Rethinking School in 5 Steps by Whitney Hoffman on Reading Whitney

    Quote: Education is under fire from all fronts these days, in part because we all know, in our hearts, that kids are having experiences and learning things that often fail to connect up to their daily world- what is taught is not always placed into a larger context to help kids make meaning. The fault for this lies with politicians, parents, teachers and kids alike. Everyone is responsible in part-and here’s 5 issues that are part of the fundamental reasons schools are having issues:

  • PwC Quarterly Forecast Brings More Legitimacy to 21st Century Collaboration by Sameer Patel on Pretzel Logic

    Quote: The CIO’s role in social enterprise strategy: Transforming collaboration demands an evolutionary approach. Before trying to add to the mix, take stock of how your workforce is collaborating to begin with. What’s the appropriate rationale for adopting a new tool in this case? By formulating an adoption process with goal setting and incentives appropriate to the business, CIOs can help business units position themselves for the collaboration and filtering potential of emerging social networking platforms.