Links for June 20 2010

  • Lead From The Front and The Back by Simon Sinek on Re:Focus:

    Yes leadership is about leading, standing out front.  Yes leadership is about painting a picture, a vision of the future that does not yet exist.  Yes leadership is about being a beacon for people to follow.  But great leadership is about turning back to those that you would want to follow you on your quest to thank them, personally, for being a part of what you are, together, trying to build

  • The Booger Therom Of Good Living by Terry Starbucker

    Quote: Find the Booger in your life – someone who can help you get over that hump. And if you’re lucky, that person won’t be named… Booge

  • The Context Machine: Leading CloudWorkers by Bas de Baar on Project Shrink

    Quote: Knowledge workers can work from anywhere. They just need a laptop and access to the cloud (the Internet). These “CloudWorkers” are very convenient for organizations. They are highly specialized, flexible, location independent and have no overhead. So in theory you can get a fair price. Access to a global pool of flexible talent can create agility in an organization: workforce on demand.

  • Zen and the Art of Being Patient in Business – Suzemuse

    Quote: Growing a business is a process. It may seem to you like other peoples’ businesses are overnight successes, because we only get to know about them once they’ve landed the huge client or made a million bucks. Nothing could be further from the truth. The formative years of your business are right now – where you’re building your portfolio, creating long term relationships and expanding your referral network.

  • Hope and the magic lottery by Seth Godin on Seth’s Blog

    Entrepreneurial hope is essential. It gets us over the hump and through the dip. There’s a variety of this hope, though, that’s far more damaging than helpful.

    This is the hope of the magic lottery ticket.

  • The cloud threatens creative destruction for IT by Scott Brinker on Chief Marketing Technologist

    if you reposition your career — and your thinking — as a business technologist rather than an IT person, your future looks much brighter. There’s growing demand for software engineers and service delivery architects at all of these entrepreneurial cloud applications ventures. And, if you’re willing to embrace the art of wielding technology in a specific business domain — such as marketing, with the rise of the marketing technologist — you can turn all these cloud-based offerings into your toolbox rather than your competition.