Links for Jan 8 2012

Links for Jan 8 2012
  • To Know, But Not to Understand by Valeria Maltoni on Conversation Agent

    Quote: We rely, in other words, on a random accumulation of localised knowledge about people, their backgrounds and various behavioural signals. What if we could pool all those circles of wisdom together and extract a common currency for evaluating everyone’s levels of expertise, social resonance and, above all, such critical attributes as trustworthiness? Well, that race is now on.

  • Know-how and know-why versus know-what by JP Rangaswami on confused of calcutta

    Quote: Knowing how to get to an answer is often more important than knowing the answer. And knowing why is the foundation for remembering the how.

  • Some Thoughts on Writer’s Block by Kas Thomas on assertTrue( )

    Quote: Give yourself permission to take unusual entry points into the discussion. Give yourself permission to start in the middle, or at the end. Sometimes, you can get good traction by simply listing your concluding points. What are the essential takeaways that you want to be able to deliver? Write them down quickly. Entry points will suggest themselves.

  • Can your IT outsourcing contract coexist with the cloud? by Scott Bils on GigaOm’s Cloud Computing News

    Quote: In the next generation IT outsourcing world, service providers are going to look very different from what you find in today’s marketplace. There will be more of them, their capabilities will be different, and the value propositions they offer will need to be accounted for in how you evaluate your choices. Management and governance will follow new models, and metrics will be fundamentally different.

  • Louis C.K.’s lesson for marketers: Honesty is the best strategy by By Jessica Lee on GigaOm

    Quote: The thing is — Louis C.K.’s online marketing campaign wasn’t really a campaign. It was a public agreement that he made with his audience. He promised to create and release an honest product, and the audience promised to continue supporting his future projects. The consumers didn’t just buy a DRM-free download of Louis C.K.’s standup special — they bought into a trusted relationship with the comedian.

  • The Power of Pause by Ana Dutra on Harvard Business Review

    Quote: At a higher level, as leaders, pausing and reflecting enables us to ask what our role really is, how to more effectively empower others to be the best at the roles they are supposed to play and, therefore, what we should really get involved with. Pause and reflection create space for us and for others — everybody becomes more effective and can grow.