Links for August 18 2013

Links for August 18 2013
  • Unicorn, Shmunicorn: Be a Pegasus | UX Magazine

    Quote: But who better to take on the product challenges of the future than cream-of-the-crop UX professionals? No one is closer to the intersection of people’s goals and a company’s products than the designers sweating over every detail of the user experience, day in and day out. Rather than re-inventing yourself as a part-time, mediocre coder, consider aiming your trajectory squarely at these product leadership positions.

  • Do you really want your IT department to define your application stack? : CloudAve

    Quote: So before you sign your purchase order for a PaaS, you should wonder if you are not selling your flexibility without any need for it…

  • Michael Fauscette: Innovation Alone Isn’t Enough

    Quote: The path from high flying tech leader to "for sale sign" is a sad one and one that is pretty complex to explain. As with most decline stories there are internal and external factors to blame

  • Go Where the Data Take You, Even If It’s to New Jersey…

    Quote: Keri’s piece makes clear that Trout’s ridiculous abilities were quite evident when he was a high schooler in New Jersey. Yet even in the post-Moneyball era the people who spot baseball talent for a living missed him, and they essentially missed him because of their accumulated expertise, experience, and intuition — not despite these things. When are we going to learn to get ourselves out of the way and listen to what the evidence is telling us?

  • The vanishing cost of guessing – O’Reilly Radar

    Quote: Big data isn’t a magical tool for predicting the future. It’s not a way to peer into someone’s soul or decide what’s going to happen, even though it’s often frighteningly good at guessing. Just because the cost of guessing is dropping quickly to zero doesn’t mean we should treat a guess as the truth. As we become an increasingly data-driven society, it’s critical that we remember we can no more predict tomorrow with today’s data than we can prevent drowning by banning ice cream.

  • What is a Digital Disruptor? — CIO Dashboard

    Quote: In the age of digital disruption, companies need to invest in exploration. They should imagine the possibilities of potential disruptive business designs coming down the pike and they should explore the perpetual parade of emerging technologies. Some companies will have two options: they can disrupt or get disrupted.

  • The Biggest Missed Opportunity in Social Media

    Quote: More and more organizations are spending lots of time and resources on social media every day. Yet they seem oblivious to the key element that can impact their success the most: their employee base! The organizations that figure out how to use this important resource will surely gain a competitive advantage. Is your organization tapping into its employees to boost its social efforts? If so, how? If not, why?