Links for April 18 2010

  • How to Defy Newton’s Laws of Motion in Marketing by Valeria Maltoni on Conversation Agent:

    Quote: Emerging media allows you to develop laser focus in your marketing, act small while you take advantage of the following forces to scale as necessary, and thus gain momentum.

  • How to make your ideas connect by Ed Brenegar on Leading Questions

    Quote: Making connections with people is a communication process. Work at speaking and writing in a context that people can understand. Connect with them on both an emotional and an intellectual level. Be clear by making your language and sentence structure as simple as possible. Do this and you’ll find that you’ll understand what your thinking better than you use to.

  • To Steve Or Not To Steve? by Glenn Kelman on TechCrunch

    Quote: A company’s personality is the most profound innovation of a founder and her team, as ubiquitous, unnoticed and essential as air. It becomes a source of meaning for employees and consumers, and then it becomes a source of revenue.

  • Freemium – A Word of Caution by Ben Kepes on CloudAve

    Quote My advice closely follows that of Murphy. Build a product that businesses will value and charge for it accordingly – the way things used to be done in the bricks and mortar days.

  • The Tyranny of Consensus by Jill Dyche on Inside the Biz

    Quote: It’s surprising how many people actually cede to the tyranny of consensus. They rationalize their decisions in unexpected ways, blaming corporate politics, industry best practices, the lack of decision rights in their organizations, or quirky corporate cultures

  • Lessons from Richard Branson’s “Business Stripped Bare” by Matt on 37signals)

    Quote: As a small-business person, you must immerse yourself 100 per cent in everything and learn about the ins and outs of every single department. As you get bigger, you will be able to delegate, and when people come to you with their problems, they’ll be surprised how knowledgeable you are and how much practical advice you can offer.

  • Not disruptive, and proud of it by Jason Cohen on a smart bear

    Disruptive is good….but useful can be better

  • David Foster Wallace On Leadership by Samuel Bacharach

    Qoote: But the main reason leadership worries people is because it lacks a consistent definition. When Wallace argues that leadership is a “mysterious quality” it’s easy to be skeptical of leaders since we don’t even know where to begin trusting them or perceiving them. We’d be able to support the right leaders if we were able to measure their ability to get things done and execute. It’s crucial that we define leadership as a real set of skills rather than a hazy combination of personal qualities.

  • Why Startups are Agile and Opportunistic – Pivoting the Business Model by Steve Blank

    Quote: Startups are inherently chaotic. The rapid shifts in the business model is what differentiates a startup from an established company. Pivots are the essence of entrepreneurship and the key to startup success. If you can’t pivot or pivot quickly, chances are you will fail.

  • Relationships First by Jon Gordon

    Quote: To build a winning team, organization and family I’m convinced that we must create engaged relationships. Engaged relationships are interactive, collaborative, and meaningful and they are essential because to effectively lead, coach, work and live with someone we must truly know and have a strong bond with them.

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