Links for April 10 2011

Links for April 10 2011
  • Avoiding the CMS Death Spiral by David Aponovich on The CMS Myth

    Quote: CMS is a challenging technology to get right. It’s complex software that supports complex technical, business and marketing requirements. It alters processes. It requires full-fledged vision, planning, strong execution and an experienced team that can recognize problems and ask the right questions before they become problems.

  • Insist on the coin flip by Seth Godin

    Quote: When there isn’t enough data, when there can’t be enough data, insist on the flip. By refusing to lie to yourself, by not telling yourself a fable to make the decision easier, you’ll understand quite clearly when you’re winging it.

  • Managing IT: On Outcome Bias by Elliot Ross on Strategic Technology

    Quote: Just because an outcome was successful in fixing an IT service failure, there is no guarantee that it was fixed in a fashion that will ensure that it does not happen again.

  • IT + Marketing: Innovation Through Collaboration in B2B Software Companies by Julie Hunt

    Quote: A better approach is the enablement and empowerment of IT and Marketing working as true collaborative partners, where upper management fully supports the elimination of silos and frees up IT to work on strategic initiatives. Software companies still have lots of people and process matters to figure out first. Innovate how the company works together as teams with common purpose. Collaboration culture can lead to and encourage innovation culture, both of which can lead to business success and competitive agility.