Lead Well & Prosper - book review

A few weeks ago I received a complimentary copy of Lead Well and Prosper: 15 Successful Strategies for Becoming a Good Manager from Nick McCormick, the author.

When I received the book, I tossed it onto my desk with all the many unread books and promised myself I’d get to it soon.

A Quick Read

Soon came sooner than I thought…mainly because it’s such a small book (less than 100 pages) and looked like an easy read…and it was.

The book is split into fifteen chapters with each chapter describing a strategy that can be used by managers.  Each chapter starts out with a nice little storyline to introduce the chapter and then a few pages are used to describe the strategy.

The fifteen chapters cover obvious things such as ‘teach’, ‘adopt a serving attitude’, ‘share information’, ‘do the right thing’ and other fairly common sense approaches to leading & managing.

Common Sense…but not common practice

This book describes common sense approaches to leading people and teams, but as we all know, common sense and business don’t always go hand-in-hand.  Common sense doesn’t always make it to common practice and this book helps bridge the gap between knowing and doing.

Perfect for new managers / leaders

This is a great little book full of wisdom for managers & leaders, especially those that are taking on their first management position.  It’s an easy read and covers the basics to help set the new leader down the right path.

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