Clarizen - A great Project Management tool via SaaS

I had the pleasure of watching a demo of Clarizen today.  Well…watching isn’t right…I was watching as Gil Heiman, Director of Community at Clarizen, walked me through the tool.

I really liked what I saw. Clarizen’s strength comes with the collaboration tools it provides to make it easy for project team members to work together, update their progress and share information.

I’m not going to go into detail about features and functionality…you can find that at Clarizen’s website as well as on their Community. The thing that Clarizen does best is break away from the MS Project mentality that makes people think that Gantt charts “is” project management.  Clarizen gets project managers back to the basics of tasks, people and getting things done.

The recent 2.6 release (released in December) has some new resource management capabilities that I believe makes the tool an ideal choice for many projects.  Future releases look to have some very interesting functionality (multi-currency for example) and based on their history of releases, the company will continue to add more functionality quickly.

Clarizen isn’t going to dethrone entrenched enterprise project management (EPM) tools but it is definitely a contender for organizations that don’t have an EPM system (and don’t really need one) but want a tool that allows for a more collaborative project management experience.

The pricing model and SaaS platform makes this system ideal for small and medium sized businesses and/or those groups that need a project management tool but don’t want to sell their souls to MS Project.

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