So you have big data...but do you have the Infrastructure to support it?

So you have big data...but do you have the Infrastructure to support it?

Big data is everywhere. Everyone wants to be doing big data.

There’s one big data induced problem that many aren’t talking about or acknowledging.  That problem? Infrastructure.

Where’s the infrastructure to support all the big data initiatives? Where’s the systems and storage to process and store all the data needed for all these ‘cool’ big data projects?

The CIO’s and IT groups that I talk with today struggling to find the infrastructure to support big data projects that are planned within their organization.   Many of the CIO’s I talk to have different approaches to solving this particular problem in the short term and in the long term.

While these organizations are looking to the cloud to solve their short-term problems, they are also looking for long term solutions that include cloud and managed service providers as well as internal capabilities.

The one positive about this particular problem is that vendors and partners are generally one step (or two or three steps) ahead of the issue. Thankfully, a CIO who’s in a crunch today can reach out to a partner, vendor or service provider and get help quickly and efficiently introduce infrastructure to allow big data projects to get their start.

With the right partners and technologies, CIO’s and IT groups can quickly bring the right infrastructure in place to stay in front of the many big data projects that are coming today and those projects that will come around in the future.

To help the CIO’s and IT professionals out there with understanding where the help can come from, IBM has put together a nice infographic worth sharing. I hope you enjoy.


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IBMThis post was written as part of the IBM for Midsize Business program, which provides midsize businesses with the tools, expertise and solutions they need to become engines of a smarter planet. I’ve been compensated to contribute to this program, but the opinions expressed in this post are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.

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