10 Habits of Highly Effective IT Professionals

Are you looking to improve your IT skills? Are you a business leader looking to make your IT organization more effective?

If so, take a look at Simon Stapleton’s eBook titled “The 10 Habits of Highly Effective IT Professionals.”

What are the 10 Habits?  Glad you asked.  They are:

  1. Openly Share Knowledge
  2. Coach Others
  3. Learn by Reviewing
  4. Focus on Strengths and Strive to Avoid Weaknesses
  5. Remember that “everybody is a resource”
  6. Effectively deliver value
  7. Delegate Effectively
  8. Escalate at the right time
  9. Actively Participate in a Value-Chain
  10. Create the right work-life balance

I have one comment about the last habit, “Create the right work-life balance”,  is a great habit to attempt to have, but I find it much more difficult for IT professionals to form these days.  Most IT organizations are understaffed and overworked and its tough to get any type of work-life balance in today.  I like the idea of forming this habit but I’m not so sure the current environment allows IT professionals to form this one completely.

The ebook, which is available as a free download (after signing up with Simon’s system) is a good read.  Nothing in the ebook is new stuff (is there really anything new out there these days?) but the ebook is a nice refresher of what some good habits are for IT professionals.  Go check it out.

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