Three words for 2010

I realize it’s a few days into the new year and most people have already committed their 2010 resolutions to paper (or screen)…now its my turn.

Rather than use ‘resolutions’ to tell others what I plan to do, I began to use the “three words” method that I read about over on Chris Brogan’s blog. See Chris’s Three Words for 2010.

Before I give you my three words for 2010, let me take a second to look back at 2009.

My three words and their definitions for 2009 were:

  • Create – Whether I’m writing for this blog, working on my doctorate, working on entrepreneurial activities, working with clients or spending time with family, I want to be creating 2009.
  • Think – I want to think better. I want to think more creatively.   I also want to make other people think….this is what I’ll be working on for the coming year.
  • Lead – My goal for the coming year is to lead in everything I do.  This doesn’t mean I want/need to be the ‘best’ at everything I do (although it would be nice)…I want to be seen as a leader in the various aspects of my life.  My writing, my research, my work…I’m going to push to be someone that people look to for information and direction.

I wrote a mid-year review post to reflect upon what had happened in the first 6 months of 2009.

I think I hit my three words head on in 2009.  I created. I thought. And I led. Here’s a few highlights:

  • I became a better photographer and started a new photo blog called Photography Minute where I share tips, photos and reviews of gear that I’ve tried.  I’ve enjoyed that blog and look forward to doing much more over on the photo blog.
  • I’ve written a lot in 2009.  I have an article coming out this month in Cutter IT Journal and have two other articles submitted to academic journals.
  • I’ve reconnected with someone I shouldn’t have lost touch with.  After reconnecting, we wrote the aforementioned Cutter article and are talking about a few other projects going forward.
  • I helped the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) roll-out a new website which has received pretty good feedback. Like everything, there are problems that need fixed but when you compare the new with the old, the new is better.
  • I hope I’ve written some good stuff on this blog that made people think. My “New CIO” Series is something I’m very proud of and hope to continue the series into 2010.
  • Another series that I’m extremely proud of is my “Sunday Links” posts.  In those posts I try to point you to some excellent content around the web. I’ve gotten great feedback on this feature and will continue providing this service as long as you keep reading it.

Overall, 2009 was a pretty good year. I did leave the independent consulting practice that I’d been building in Feb 2009 and have enjoyed the work at the BSA but I do miss the excitement and changes that come with having different consulting clients and gigs.

What I didn’t do well in 2009 was “Create”.  Most of my accomplishments from this past year were based around “thinking” and “leading”.

So…onto 2010.  What will it bring? I don’t know…but the three words that I’m using to drive me in this new year are:

  • Create – While this was one of my words for 2009, it is something I want to continue to focus on for 2010. I want to write more original stuff. I want to create something that I can build on for the future…perfect segue into the next ‘word’.
  • Build – I want to build something memorable, lasting and worth the effort.  What does this mean? I really don’t know just yet…but I want to find out.  I want to build my own future rather than let someone else build it or dictate it to me.
  • Engage – One of the things that I’ve always wanted to do better is engage more.  Engaged with my readers. Engage with other bloggers. Engage on twitter and facebook.  In general, engage with people more online and in real life.

Those are my three words and the driving forces behind my 2010.

What’s yours?