Request for Guest Authors - Share your thoughts

Request for Guest Authors - Share your thoughts

guest-postI’ve got a tight timeline on a research project. I’m working on a paper to submit for an Conference on IT Project Management…fun!.  Because of this timeline, I’m not going to have as much time to put some posts together for the next week or so….so I thought I’d open it up to you and see if there is any interest in sharing your thoughts with my readers & subscribers.

I’d be open to publishing your blog post as long as it meets this criteria:

  • It covers some topic within the area of IT, the CIO/CTO, Processes, People in IT/Technology, Marketing Technology or Project Management.
  • It isn’t a (blatant) advertisement for your services or your company’s services.
  • Is something that would be of interest to this blog’s readers
  • Has not been published any where else.

Your post can include a short bio and link(s) to your website, blog, company, social profiles, etc as needed.

I’d like to get a few Guest Posts up over the next week or two. If you’d like to take advantage of my offer, leave a comment here or use my Contact page and let me know.