Links for June 22 2014

Links for June 22 2014

Cloud security is not an oxymoron
Quote: I get it: there is a lot of data that can’t move to the cloud, not because IT managers don’t understand the issues, but because they need to comply with regulations that were designed before we understood the scope of our security problems. If you’re in one of those businesses, which includes most of the health and banking sectors, you’re out of luck. But if you think that your IT staff can protect you better than the security teams at the major cloud providers, think again.

Satisfaction, Delight, Disappointment, and Shock
Quote: The phrase “meet or exceed customer expectations” is a mantra in the customer experience profession, said so frequently and done so rarely that the phrase itself has become devoid of meaning. Pondering this adage in light of the stimulus-response theory of emotion, I’m led to the sense that it was never quite right in the first place – that the satisfaction (or disappointment) of a customer has less to do with whether their expectations were met or exceeded and more to do with a combination of two factors: whether the outcome of an interaction was positive and whether it was predicted.

One Simple Solution to Unite the CIO and CMO
Quote: Why can’t CIOs and CMOs just get along? Based on my experience, there is one primary reason why their relationship is adversarial: the CIO and CMO can’t agree on who is responsible for what, so they are perpetually trampling on each other’s toes.

The Persistent Social Media Measurement Problem: A Mini-Manifesto
Quote: The magic in measurement is not in the activity of measuring itself.  It’s in knowing whether our company is moving in the right direction, and how and why marketing helps or hinders at the most fundamental level.

The Signal to noise ratio for innovation
Quote: We’ve found that many of the best innovators are often those firms that understand the value of change and change management.  The more innovation you do, the more change you encounter.  The better you are at change, the better at innovation.  And both change and innovation are enabled by excellent, consistent and concise communication.