Links for Sept 30 2012

Links for Sept 30 2012
  • Plans: Control over Clarity

    Quote: In short, one of the main values of strategic plans is that they limit our choices. They provide a script (game plan, sheet of music…you choose your metaphor) that we ALL follow. No more randomness. We like strategic plans because they are about control. Randomness bad. Control good.

  • McGraw-Hill exec: tech will make us rethink age-grouping in schools — Tech News and Analysis

    Quote: New models of learning based on competency will also contribute to new ways of thinking about certification and credentialing, he said. That debate is already brewing at the higher education level, as startups like Udacity and Coursera start to certify students’ skills online. But Livingston said the high school diploma will also increasingly be challenged to prove its value against other kinds of certificates that are “organized around what you can do, more than what you know.”

  • Forrester says social doesn’t drive online sales, and why that’s fine |

    Quote: Social is media, not a medium

  • danah boyd | apophenia » Free Speech, Context, and Visibility: Protesting Racist Ads

    Quote: Through the internet, content spreads across boundaries and cultural contexts. It’s sooo easy to take things out of context or not understand the context in which they are produced or disseminated. Or why they are tolerated. Contexts collapse and people get upset because their local norms and rules don’t seem to apply when things slip over the borders and can’t be controlled. Thus, we see a serious battle brewing over who controls the internet. What norms? What laws? What cultural contexts? Settling this is really bloody hard because many of the issues at stake are so deeply conflicting as to appear to be irresolvable.

  • Embrace Your Constraints to Create New Markets – Uri Neren – Harvard Business Review

    Quote: In order to use constraints to your advantage, companies must first have an attitude that allows them to embrace the world as it changes — something absent in most large organizations that are inherently designed to manage current assets and maybe grow them a little each year. We’ve all seen companies flounder or even die as they ignore external constraints (think super computer companies in the ’80s, or Kodak).