Links for November 7 2010

Links for November 7 2010
  • Hey, Chief, back your people up! by Dave Grossi on PoliceOne Daily One

    Quote: What really gets my Italian blood boiling is this incessant need by police chiefs or sheriffs to find something wrong in their officers’ action in spite of the righteous use of force. It seems that some brass, just to appease the media or other anti-police factions out there who believe that the law enforcement community should be relegated to a “visible” force presence only, look for anything to bang the officer on. Here are a few examples.

  • Speeding the Rubber Stamp Process By Elizabeth Wasserman on CIO Strategy Center

    Quote: CIOs these days are walking a tightrope. They need to balance an IT environment that is secure, but where information is always available. New IT initiatives are regularly proposed by various business units, but CIOs often encounter red tape in getting those initiatives approved.

  • How to Reinvent Your Business by James on Men with Pens

    Quote: Rip the band-aid off and put your business on hold for a week, a month, or maybe even two months. Do all the work you have to do to heal up what’s broken, fix what needs fixing and get your whole business set and ready for the next level.

  • Everything is up for grabs, making it a great time to be in IT by Mark McDonald on Gartner

    Quote: The past ten years have been interesting times for CIOs and IT leaders. The last decade saw the dot-com bubble bust, the rise of consumer IT, the global financial crisis, stagnant growth in CIO budgets and at least two rounds of discussion around ‘does IT matter?’ The decade has been a tough one. It’s about time things got interesting and fortunately they are making it a great time to be a CIO, IT leader or IT professional.

  • Why your business network isn’t helping you by Scot Herrick on Cube RUles

    Quote: Business networking, in my opinion, is one of the keys to getting to employment security (instead of job security). With a large group of people in different companies as part of your network of support – and your support for them – you can find out about job opportunities and even have someone from your business network inside the company to recommend you for the job.

  • IT: Become Relevant or Die By John Taschek on The Cloud Blog

    Quote: Why? Business doesn’t trust IT. Business views IT as an obstacle. Business is on the wrong side of an equation – they’re so busy keeping the power on that they are forgetting to turn on their lights. Plummer believes IT can become relevant first by stopping what it has been doing for several years. Namely, IT needs to stop saying no to new projects, including cloud projects. IT needs to keep up with the business or get out of the way. Finally, IT shouldn’t rely on technology for technology’s sake.

  • How can you do it?! by Seth Godin on Seth’s Blog

    Quote: The people who successfully start independent businesses (franchises, I think are a different thing) do it because we have no real choice in the matter. The voice in our heads won’t shut up until we discover if we’re right, if we can do it, if we can make something happen. This is an art, our art, and to leave it bottled up is a crime.

  • Just ask! by Jens Schauder on Schauderhaft

    Quote: Possibly one of the most important things a human learns is to ask questions.The good news is: Every kid learns it. You can tell the parents of kids that just learned it from the blood dripping from their ears. The bad news is: Almost everybody unlearns it during their time in school. So you might have to relearn it. Here is what you have to do:

  • No Business Plan Survives First Contact With A Customer – The 5.2 billion dollar mistake by Steve Blank

    Quote: At $5.2-billion Iridium was one of the largest, boldest and audacious startup bets ever made. Conceived in 1987 by Motorola and spun out in 1990 as a separate company, Iridium planned to build a mobile telephone system that would work anywhere on earth. It would cover every city, town and square inch of the earth from ships in the middle of the Arctic Ocean to the jungles of Africa to the remote mountain peaks of the Himalayas. And Iridium would do this without building a single cell tower.