Links for July 4 2010

  • I assume I’m below average by Derek Sivers

    Quote: To assume you’re below average is to admit you’re a beginner. It puts you in student mind. It keeps your focus on present practice and future possibilities, and away from any past accomplishments.

  • Leading Virtual Teams to Real Results by Jeanne C Meister and Karie Willyerd on The Conversation – Harvard Business Review

    Quote: The reality of virtual leadership is apparent. Teams are increasingly spread across space and time, providing the benefit of obtaining talent anywhere in the world and allowing 24-7 work progression. However, virtual workers can feel a sense of isolation, and building bonded teams becomes more difficult when there are few opportunities to meet face-to-face.

  • How To Listen by Simon Sinek on Re:Focus:

    Quote: At its most effective level, however, listening goes far beyond simply paying attention. Becoming a “good listener” is a skill that requires practice. At this level, listening means trying to find meaning in what you hear. It is not simply about concentrating on what is being said to you; it is the active pursuit of understanding.

  • Crowd vs Community by Dan Blank on Publishing, Innovation & the Web

    Quote: Community requires action. Sometimes, that action is merely a thought process – that someone chooses to trust, chooses to look out for the good of the whole, and not just themselves. But the action of spending money does not always signify that we are ‘voting with our wallets’ and ACTIVELY participating in community that others define. Without that action, members who share characteristics are merely a crowd – a mass behavioral pattern. Not a community.

  • Why Design-By-Commitee Should Die – by Speider Schneider on Smashing Magazine

    Quote: No matter where you go in the known universe, there is design-by-committee. It has become a pecking order of disaster for the society that used to pride itself on being a mover and shaker and that allowed its mavericks and dreamers to innovate their way to success. In a business climate fueled by fear and the “Peter Principle,” as it is today, a decision not made is a tragedy averted. So, decision by committee provides a safe and often anonymous process for finger-pointing down the line… inevitably leading to the creative, of course.

  • The Last Mile: The Socialization of Business by Brian Solis on

    Quote: In my work, I’ve uncovered what I call the Last Mile or Last Kilometer of Social Media, a challenge that will face every business in the attempts to engage with consumers and influencers and impede the cultivation of dedicated and flourishing online communities. The last mile is a term associated with the cable and internet provider industries, representing the final leg of delivering connectivity from a provider to a customer. It is symbolic of the human connection required to take a service from the connection hub in any given neighborhood to the home of the new customer.

  • Why Passion Beats Perfection by Amy Harrison on Lateral Action

    Quote: Whilst passion makes you care about your work, perfection can make you unhealthily obsessed about your work. Striving for perfection can stop you from even starting a piece. Or make you so inflexible that you hold onto ideas with a vice-like grip and miss out on valuable opportunities.