Links for July 25 2010

  • Transparency creates an information blizzard not an excuse, nor an absolution by Mark McDonald on The Gartner Blog Network

    Quote: Transparency is a hot issue in halls of legislators and executive offices and something that everyone has to do.  Increasing transparency is part of CEO strategies and investor commitments.  Transparency is the solution to regulatory challenges.  Transparency is something demanded by consumers ranging from support for free trade through to the ingredients in our food.

  • One Simple Thing that Will Improve Your Content Today by Susan Murphy on SuzeMuse

    Quote: Every piece of content that exists in the world is a story. In order to create great content, you have to be able to find the story in everything you do. Then, you have to sit your butt in the chair and express it. Build stories and share. Build stories, and share.

  • The Phantom Sales Forecast – Failing at Customer Validation by Steve Blank

    Quote: The implications of a phantom sales forecast meant something fundamental was broken. In talking to each of his salespeople, he discovered the sales team had no standardized sales process. Each was calling on different levels of an account and trying whatever seemed to work best. This was just a symptom of something deeper –  while they thought they understood the target customer their initial hypotheses from Customer Discovery were wrong. But no one had told the CEO.

  • Working Hard to be Successful by C.C. Chapman

    Quote: What is the point of this post? It is just to remind you that hard work is your best chance for success. Most of us who find any level of success are never satisfied and want the challenge of something new and we’ll work even harder to make it happen.

  • Life is 10% How You Make It and 90% How you Take It by Mark Suster on Both Sides of the Table

    Quote: You can choose to be defeatist or to pull your socks up and try again – harder this time.  Enjoy the journey and not just the destination otherwise even when you arrive you may not find the happiness you were looking for, as I suspect my $500 million friend has not (luckily for me he doesn’t read blogs! ).  Read this book (“The Alchemist”) if you want a reminder about enjoying the journey. Or read the magnificent book “Eat, Pray, Love” and follow the Italian mentality of  ”Il Bel Far Niente (The Joy of Doing Nothing)”. And remember, whatever adversity your facing – enjoy the journey.  Life is 10% how you make it, 90% how you take it.

  • Outsource the Work, Not the Leadership by Susan Cramm on Harvard Business Review

    Quote: Think outsourcing eases leadership burdens? Think again.

  • Find a Common Language by Becky Robinson on Mountain State University LeaderTalk

    Quote: As a leader, it is important to take the time to know your audience so that you can communicate meaningfully with them. When you know people well, you can choose to relate to them in ways that they will understand and appreciate.

  • Startup Competitive Advantages that Work by Jason Cohen on a smart bear

    Quote: Of course you can still battle it out in the marketplace, but you need something that can’t be duplicated, something they could never beat you on, then hang your hat on that and don’t look back. Don’t despair if you don’t have an unfair advantage yet. I didn’t either when I started Smart Bear! But I built toward having some, and eventually earned it.