Links for July 24 2011

Links for July 24 2011
  • Dispel the myth of “lean will not work here” by Jeff Liker on The Lean Edge

    Quote: In short, every organization is operating in a different environment with different business demands and different technical processes, particularly in terms of variability.  So every organization is indeed unique and “different.”  The thinking process of lean which focuses on problem solving to move toward a clear vision through a series of targets is generic.  But the real variability that ultimately matters, and what makes change so difficult, is the people at all levels, but particularly starting with the senior leaders.  That also is generic and is more related to organizational culture, politics, and the business environment than anything about any technical processes.

  • The Unsexiness of Tactical Brilliance by Geoff Livingston on Social Media Explorer

    Quote: Tactics may not be the sexiest thing to invest time in, but there is a great honor in it. Role playing as a career, or as a task within one’s day-to-day marketing life makes social work. While tactical proficiency may not lead to the Fortune 500 executive or uber-pundit status that so many social media conversations seek, it does create the results that businesses and organizations crave.

  • Comic-Con: IT innovation lessons from dudes in Stormtrooper suits by Chris Gonsalves TotalCIO

    Quote: If there’s one lesson from Comic-Con for IT leaders it’s this: It’s time for them to let their snarky geek flag fly. Comic-Con is all about creativity and its continuous pursuit. That’s not so different from what we’re after in our quest for technological innovation. Innovation is, after all, another flavor of creativity. Innovation and creativity are brothers from the same mother. Innovation is creativity with more moving parts and a better credit score.

  • It is easy to see how the business becomes frustrated by IT by Mark McDonald on Gartner

    Quote: Rather than being solution focused and suggesting ways to work together to address the problem, IT had used structure and procedure as a way to make the rest of the organization safe for IT.

  • The New CIO — Embrace The Empowered Era Or Step Aside by Khalid Kark on Forrester Blogs

    Quote: The empowered era brings not just a change in technology but a change in attitudes, behaviors, and technical competencies within organizations. The empowered CIO spends a majority of his/her time in engaging and empowering users and customers while delegating and outsourcing technology management and operations. CIOs that are not willing to make this shift will fail.