Links for July 21 2013

Links for July 21 2013
  • Creating an Open, Transparent Organization through Social | Enterprise Social Software Blog | Socialtext

    Quote: Not only can social break down the walls between departments, but a social solution can help break down the hierarchies too. Turning one-way communication into meaningful discussions between executives and employees isn’t a quick change

  • Cloud: The Testing Ground for the New CIO — CIO Dashboard

    Quote: The cloud is a testing ground for CIOs to learn to lead through influence—catalyzing conversations with business users about how new digital service offerings can help grow revenue and transform processes rather than trying to control business users’ access to it. CIOs boast a wealth of information and insight about the “art of possible” with emerging technologies, integration and security. And, they are uniquely positioned to aggregate information and resources and share them across the enterprise.

  • Rethinking IT Transformation for the Cloud : CloudAve

    Quote: CIOs need to recognize that they are now service providers that need to compete with 3rd party vendors like Amazon,, Microsoft and others and that they now need to transition to an IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) operating model. This model needs to provide users will self-serve access to external and internal services via an integrated service catalog that also supports chargeback and billing. This operating model needs to reflect not just new cloud services, but also include virtualized and dedicated environments that will be still part of the enterprise IT landscape for the foreseeable future.

  • So You Want To Write A Digital Strategy? | Smashing Magazine

    Quote: “Creating a digital strategy is a chance to bring some order to the chaos that is most organisations approach to digital.”

  • Coding Horror: The Rule of Three

    Quote: So the next time you think "I’ve built a reusable thing!", stop, and think "how can I find three users, customers, or audiences, to prove that I’ve built something reusable?" instead.

  • Top CIOs Become Business Process Czars –

    Quote: CIOs, however, are in an ideal position to see the broad array of interactions among employees, customers and business partners–and identify opportunities for improvement across the entire enterprise. As Jim Stikeleather, chief innovation officer at Dell, puts it: "CIOs should know more about how the business runs than any other executive."

  • Innovate on Purpose: Prune before Innovating

    Quote: No matter how much we’d like to think that all management is scientific, every firm has a number of pet projects sponsored by executives who want to try out a particular technology or who want to enter a particular market. The pet projects are easy to spot and hard to kill, and frequently absorb a lot of resource for very little benefit. These pet projects are undertaken with little market research or understanding of the customer base and are rarely successful after launch.