Doctorate degree pursuit update & announcement

Doctoral Studies Update & announcement of my new website – Distance PhD.

I just realized that I hadn’t shared an update on my doctoral studies in a while.

I’m 2 classes away from being completely done with coursework.  Woot!  But…I have 23 hours of dissertation credits left.  woot? 🙂

I’ve completed 58 hours and have 31 hours remaining. I passed my comprehensive exam in Dec 2009 (whew!) and am now working on determining a dissertation topic and building a portfolio of articles, presentations, etc (part of the requirements of the program).  The dissertation topic is going to be something to do with Knowledge Management in teams (namely project teams) and methods used to capture and share knowledge (using storytelling and other soon to be added topics).   In other words, I’ve not narrowed my topic down quite yet 😉

I start a new course (Theory Development and Design Research…sounds like fun!) the end of June and will take another course in the Fall and some disseratation hours.  Should have all my coursework complete by Dec 2010.

And if all goes as planned, my dissertation will be complete by end of 2012.  That seems like a long ways of but it’s closer than it was when I started the program!

If you’d like more regular updates on my progress and my journey to my doctorate, you can join me over at Distance PhD – my new website dedicated to earning a doctoral degree via distance learning.

I started this new website to help others who may be interested in earning a doctorate degree online….I found it very difficult to find reliable information about accredited schools when I was searching so I plan to gather as much information about all the distance doctorate programs I find and host them on Distance PhD.

Don’t fret though if you don’t want to join me over there…I’ll still keep you updated here regularly.